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Legato demonstrates his powers. The Gung-Ho-Guns are introduced, and Dominique the Cyclops fights with Vash.<!-- proper synopsis needs to be written -->
The episode opens with [[Meryl Stryfe (anime)|Meryl]] and [[Milly Thompson (anime)|Milly]] seemingly driving along in a convertible. Milly likes that the ride is smooth, but says that it would be nice if the car could go faster. The camera then pans down to reveal Vash carrying the whole front car seat that the girls are sitting in on his shoulders. Meryl admonishes [[Vash the Stampede (anime)|Vash]] when he whines, saying that he's got no right to complain since he's the one that wrecked the original car in the first place - and she intends to make sure he takes full responsibility for it. Vash wails.
In the nearby town of [[Jeneora Rock]], some trucks pull up to the rest of a convoy parked outside of a bar. The townspeople stare as a group of thuggish-looking men and some barefoot girls get out and head inside. There is a small jazz band playing on the stage at the back of the room. Exposition from the other bar patrons reveals that the thuggish men are the [[Roderick Thieves]] and are not at all liked, but are very menacing. Nobody knows who the girls are, but the patrons feel for them nonetheless.
The Thieves get themselves situated around a sofa and coffee table, and their leader demands the best booze in the house. The waiter, a young man who looks like he's barely into his twenties, brings it to them but is absolutely terrified the whole time. One of the thieves, Nagi, teases the waiter by pulling out a gun and pretending to shoot, which makes him physically jump back and gets uproarious laughter from the rest of the gang. He turns to the girl next to him to see if it impressed her, but she is blank-faced and does not react.
While this is going on, [[Legato Bluesummers (anime)|Legato]] is seated at the end of the bar eating what looks like a badly-drawn stack of pancakes. The girl that Nagi was trying to impress happens to notice him and her eyes light up. Unfortunately, Nagi notices her reaction - as well as what she was looking at - and loses his temper. He smacks the girl to the floor and proceeds to stomp on her and curse at her until the gang's leader tells him to stop. Nagi then makes the fateful decision to challenge Legato to a fight.
Nagi tries to provoke Legato (with some help from the gang's leader), but can't seem to get a rise out of him. This just makes him angrier. He manages to shoot the top off of Legato's fork and then rain a hail of bullets around him when he asks for another, which is what finally does the trick. Legato turns and asks Nagi why he's in such a rush to die when humanity's going to meet its end soon anyway. Nagi starts to mock him, but soon regrets it when his arm starts moving of its own volition - he is appropriately terrified but cannot make it stop. The rest of the Roderick Thieves watch in horror as Nagi quite literally reaches into his own chest and pulls out his heart. He then collapses to the ground dead, in a pool of blood.
The rest of the gang react in shock and anger, pulling out their guns and moving to avenge their fallen comrade. To their surprise, however, the leader shoots at one of his own men. Then the other men all take aim at each other, utterly unable to lower their arms or move out of the way. The Roderick Thieves proceed to massacre each other while Legato returns to the bar and finishes his pancakes (band wailing in the background the whole time). When he is done and the dust has settled, he approaches the girls and tells them that the end is near and to make good use of the time they have left. Then he leaves. As he walks down the town's now-empty main street, Legato muses to himself saying that what he just did was unlike him but that it must have to do with Vash irritating him somehow.
A short time later, Vash finally arrives in Jeneora Rock with Meryl and Milly in tow. Meryl taunts Vash by dangling her canteen in front of him, while Milly notes that the town is unusually quiet. Vash attempts to head into the same bar from earlier, only to find a pile of corpses on the floor. He is disturbed by the brutality of the attack and wants to know who's responsible. Milly and Meryl notice his reaction and ask him what's wrong, but he won't tell them.
Meanwhile, Legato has managed to make his way to the top of a pillar of rock containing the town's giant windmill, where he is confronted by the rest of the Roderick Thieves. A commander in the gang's hierarchy demands to know just how Legato managed to kill everybody down in the bar, including the vice-chief. He then says that the Roderick Thieves are bound by bonds that go deeper than family and will therefore avenge their fallen comrades. He aims to shoot, but one of the other gang members prevents him from shooting his gun by grabbing his arm. The commander tells him to stop, but the thug insists he can't - his hands are "moving all by themselves".
Legato's attention is then seemingly diverted, and he proceeds to have a one-sided conversation with an invisible third party. They both agree to kill half of the remaining gang members, which causes the Roderick Thieves to draw their weapons and prepare to open fire. Suddenly, all Hell breaks loose. The Roderick Thieves are utterly decimated by what are seemingly very powerful unseen adversaries, though in actuality they are the members of the [[Gung-Ho Guns (anime)|Gung-Ho Guns]]. When the dust settles, Legato tells the Roderick commander that the reason he spared half the men was so that the half spared could bury the dead half and thus know the pain of living. He then makes the Roderick commander shoot himself.
The Gung-Ho Guns then proceed to have a roll-call. The saxophone player from the bar introduces each member before introducing himself as [[Midvalley the Hornfreak (anime)|Midvalley the Hornfreak]]. Legato notes that someone named [[Chapel the Evergreen|Chapel]] is missing, causing Midvalley to remark that this Chapel seems to be as unreliable as the rumors say. Midvalley then says that there's an awful lot of talent assembled at that location for just one target, but he is reassured that it won't all be wasted. Legato insists he's got more respect for them all than that, and asks someone named [[Dominique the Cyclops|Dominique]] if she agrees - she suddenly appears beside him and tells him she'll handle everything and that he doesn't need to worry.
Back in town, Vash is banging on doors and hoping to get the attention of anyone he can to find out more about what happened at the bar. He happens to see somebody peeking out of a nearby house and runs to catch them at the door. He asks if the man responsible for the bar massacre wore a white jacket, but only gets the door slammed on his finger in response. Meryl admonishes Vash while he nurses his wounded finger and tries to figure out where to find his adversary. Just then, there is a glint of light that catches his eye and draws his attention to the town's giant windmill - miraculously, he is able to see Legato standing up there leering down at him. Vash gets pissed and runs off to go punch him in the face while leaving Meryl and Milly baffled at his sudden change in behavior (they don't have Vash's eyesight, apparently). Milly offers to shoot him with her stungun, but Meryl tells her no.
Vash gets to the top of the rock pillar to find a pile of corpses and Dominique the Cyclops. He angrily demands to know if she was the one responsible for killing them, and she is more than willing to take the credit. He tells her that no one is allowed to take the life of another, and then they fight. Dominique is seemingly able to "flash", or teleport, around the field, giving her an edge over Vash and almost besting him. She brags about her battle prowess as she fights with him. Vash wonders how he'll outsmart her teleportation when a thought occurrs to him - perhaps if he focuses on something other than her, her gimmick won't work. He decides to focus on his injured finger, and it pays off - Dominique tries to deploy the Demon's Eye, but to her surprise Vash is able to best her because it no longer affects him. He shoots the cover off her eyepatch, revealing the Eye and ruining her whole gimmick.
Just then, Meryl and Milly finally make it to the top of the rock pillar and re-connect with Vash. Upon seeing Dominique looking shocked and disheveled, Meryl hauls off and decks Vash while Milly asks if Dominique is okay. Vash defends himself by asking if the insurance girls saw anything that just happened. Dominique flees from the windmill and down some backstreets, wondering how she could've lost to Vash before running into Midvalley...
Back at the windmill, Meryl demands to know what happened that day. Before Vash can speak, a sax riff catches his attention - he looks over to see Legato and Midvalley perched on the pillar of rock next door. Legato smiles creepily at Vash before disappearing behind a dust cloud. Vash proceeds to tell the insurance girls in no uncertain terms that they need to stop following him because it's gotten too dangerous. They don't really fully understand, and he can't explain much at that time. The episode ends with Vash vowing to turn the tables and hunt Legato down, whatever it takes.


Revision as of 18:44, 17 May 2023

Japanese Name DEMONS EYE
English Name
English Name (Pioneer)
English Name (Funimation) Demon's Eye
Episode No. 15
Original Airdate July 15, 1998
US Airdate April 23, 2003
Previous Episode LITTLE ARCADIA (disambiguation)
Next Episode FIFTH MOON (disambiguation)

DEMONS EYE (Eng: Demon's EyeFunimation) is the fifteenth episode of Trigun.


The episode opens with Meryl and Milly seemingly driving along in a convertible. Milly likes that the ride is smooth, but says that it would be nice if the car could go faster. The camera then pans down to reveal Vash carrying the whole front car seat that the girls are sitting in on his shoulders. Meryl admonishes Vash when he whines, saying that he's got no right to complain since he's the one that wrecked the original car in the first place - and she intends to make sure he takes full responsibility for it. Vash wails.

In the nearby town of Jeneora Rock, some trucks pull up to the rest of a convoy parked outside of a bar. The townspeople stare as a group of thuggish-looking men and some barefoot girls get out and head inside. There is a small jazz band playing on the stage at the back of the room. Exposition from the other bar patrons reveals that the thuggish men are the Roderick Thieves and are not at all liked, but are very menacing. Nobody knows who the girls are, but the patrons feel for them nonetheless.

The Thieves get themselves situated around a sofa and coffee table, and their leader demands the best booze in the house. The waiter, a young man who looks like he's barely into his twenties, brings it to them but is absolutely terrified the whole time. One of the thieves, Nagi, teases the waiter by pulling out a gun and pretending to shoot, which makes him physically jump back and gets uproarious laughter from the rest of the gang. He turns to the girl next to him to see if it impressed her, but she is blank-faced and does not react.

While this is going on, Legato is seated at the end of the bar eating what looks like a badly-drawn stack of pancakes. The girl that Nagi was trying to impress happens to notice him and her eyes light up. Unfortunately, Nagi notices her reaction - as well as what she was looking at - and loses his temper. He smacks the girl to the floor and proceeds to stomp on her and curse at her until the gang's leader tells him to stop. Nagi then makes the fateful decision to challenge Legato to a fight.

Nagi tries to provoke Legato (with some help from the gang's leader), but can't seem to get a rise out of him. This just makes him angrier. He manages to shoot the top off of Legato's fork and then rain a hail of bullets around him when he asks for another, which is what finally does the trick. Legato turns and asks Nagi why he's in such a rush to die when humanity's going to meet its end soon anyway. Nagi starts to mock him, but soon regrets it when his arm starts moving of its own volition - he is appropriately terrified but cannot make it stop. The rest of the Roderick Thieves watch in horror as Nagi quite literally reaches into his own chest and pulls out his heart. He then collapses to the ground dead, in a pool of blood.

The rest of the gang react in shock and anger, pulling out their guns and moving to avenge their fallen comrade. To their surprise, however, the leader shoots at one of his own men. Then the other men all take aim at each other, utterly unable to lower their arms or move out of the way. The Roderick Thieves proceed to massacre each other while Legato returns to the bar and finishes his pancakes (band wailing in the background the whole time). When he is done and the dust has settled, he approaches the girls and tells them that the end is near and to make good use of the time they have left. Then he leaves. As he walks down the town's now-empty main street, Legato muses to himself saying that what he just did was unlike him but that it must have to do with Vash irritating him somehow.

A short time later, Vash finally arrives in Jeneora Rock with Meryl and Milly in tow. Meryl taunts Vash by dangling her canteen in front of him, while Milly notes that the town is unusually quiet. Vash attempts to head into the same bar from earlier, only to find a pile of corpses on the floor. He is disturbed by the brutality of the attack and wants to know who's responsible. Milly and Meryl notice his reaction and ask him what's wrong, but he won't tell them.

Meanwhile, Legato has managed to make his way to the top of a pillar of rock containing the town's giant windmill, where he is confronted by the rest of the Roderick Thieves. A commander in the gang's hierarchy demands to know just how Legato managed to kill everybody down in the bar, including the vice-chief. He then says that the Roderick Thieves are bound by bonds that go deeper than family and will therefore avenge their fallen comrades. He aims to shoot, but one of the other gang members prevents him from shooting his gun by grabbing his arm. The commander tells him to stop, but the thug insists he can't - his hands are "moving all by themselves".

Legato's attention is then seemingly diverted, and he proceeds to have a one-sided conversation with an invisible third party. They both agree to kill half of the remaining gang members, which causes the Roderick Thieves to draw their weapons and prepare to open fire. Suddenly, all Hell breaks loose. The Roderick Thieves are utterly decimated by what are seemingly very powerful unseen adversaries, though in actuality they are the members of the Gung-Ho Guns. When the dust settles, Legato tells the Roderick commander that the reason he spared half the men was so that the half spared could bury the dead half and thus know the pain of living. He then makes the Roderick commander shoot himself.

The Gung-Ho Guns then proceed to have a roll-call. The saxophone player from the bar introduces each member before introducing himself as Midvalley the Hornfreak. Legato notes that someone named Chapel is missing, causing Midvalley to remark that this Chapel seems to be as unreliable as the rumors say. Midvalley then says that there's an awful lot of talent assembled at that location for just one target, but he is reassured that it won't all be wasted. Legato insists he's got more respect for them all than that, and asks someone named Dominique if she agrees - she suddenly appears beside him and tells him she'll handle everything and that he doesn't need to worry.

Back in town, Vash is banging on doors and hoping to get the attention of anyone he can to find out more about what happened at the bar. He happens to see somebody peeking out of a nearby house and runs to catch them at the door. He asks if the man responsible for the bar massacre wore a white jacket, but only gets the door slammed on his finger in response. Meryl admonishes Vash while he nurses his wounded finger and tries to figure out where to find his adversary. Just then, there is a glint of light that catches his eye and draws his attention to the town's giant windmill - miraculously, he is able to see Legato standing up there leering down at him. Vash gets pissed and runs off to go punch him in the face while leaving Meryl and Milly baffled at his sudden change in behavior (they don't have Vash's eyesight, apparently). Milly offers to shoot him with her stungun, but Meryl tells her no.

Vash gets to the top of the rock pillar to find a pile of corpses and Dominique the Cyclops. He angrily demands to know if she was the one responsible for killing them, and she is more than willing to take the credit. He tells her that no one is allowed to take the life of another, and then they fight. Dominique is seemingly able to "flash", or teleport, around the field, giving her an edge over Vash and almost besting him. She brags about her battle prowess as she fights with him. Vash wonders how he'll outsmart her teleportation when a thought occurrs to him - perhaps if he focuses on something other than her, her gimmick won't work. He decides to focus on his injured finger, and it pays off - Dominique tries to deploy the Demon's Eye, but to her surprise Vash is able to best her because it no longer affects him. He shoots the cover off her eyepatch, revealing the Eye and ruining her whole gimmick.

Just then, Meryl and Milly finally make it to the top of the rock pillar and re-connect with Vash. Upon seeing Dominique looking shocked and disheveled, Meryl hauls off and decks Vash while Milly asks if Dominique is okay. Vash defends himself by asking if the insurance girls saw anything that just happened. Dominique flees from the windmill and down some backstreets, wondering how she could've lost to Vash before running into Midvalley...

Back at the windmill, Meryl demands to know what happened that day. Before Vash can speak, a sax riff catches his attention - he looks over to see Legato and Midvalley perched on the pillar of rock next door. Legato smiles creepily at Vash before disappearing behind a dust cloud. Vash proceeds to tell the insurance girls in no uncertain terms that they need to stop following him because it's gotten too dangerous. They don't really fully understand, and he can't explain much at that time. The episode ends with Vash vowing to turn the tables and hunt Legato down, whatever it takes.



This episode's story is adapted from portions of Trigun volume 2, chapters 5-10.

