TRIGUN Badlands Rumble Setting Material Collection

From No Man's Land - A Trigun Wiki

アニメムック 劇場版 TRIGUN Badlands Rumble 設定資料集 (Eng: Setting Material Collection) is a book featuring a collection of reference materials used in the production of Trigun: Badlands Rumble.

アニメムック 劇場版 TRIGUN Badlands Rumble 設定資料集
Series Trigun: Badlands Rumble
Type Art book
Written By
Serialized In
Japanese Publisher Movic[1]
Publication Date April 1, 2010[1]
US Publisher
US Publication Date
Volume Number
Number of Chapters
Number of Pages 180[1]


This book contains scanned reference material used in the production of Badlands Rumble. In addition to new designs created for the film, scans of materials used in the 1998 Trigun anime are also included. The book is divided into two sections. The first section, キャラクター設定集 (Eng: Character Setting Collection), features character designs. The second section, メカ設定集 (Eng: Mechanical Setting Collection), features designs of vehicles and weapons. The book is printed in black and white and each page is only printed on one side.


