Millions Knives (Stampede)

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This article is about the Stampede continuity iteration of the character. For other uses of "Millions Knives", see Millions Knives (disambiguation).
Millions Knives
Japanese name ミリオンズ・ナイブズ
Alternate spelling Nai
Alias Kni
Angel of Salvation
Hundreds Spoons
Race Plant (independent)
Hair Color Pale blonde
Eye Color Seafoam green
Gender Male
First appearance NOMAN'S LAND
Last appearance TBD
First manga appearance
Last manga appearance
First anime appearance
Last anime appearance
First Stampede appearance
Last Stampede appearance
Japanese voice actor Junya Ikeda[1]
Yumiri Hanamoriyoung[2]
English voice actor Austin Tindle[3][4]
Megan Shipmanyoung[5]

Millions Knives (formerly Kni or Nai) is the main antagonist from Trigun Stampede.


Knives is Vash's twin brother, born alongside him aboard the SEEDs Ship Five as it journeyed to find a new home for humanity and the Plants, living generators of power, matter and gravity that humans depend on to survive. Both twins are rare examples of Independent Plants, who look and behave human, but possess the ability to survive outside the specialised environments required by their dependent brethren. As infants, the boys were discovered and adopted by Navigational Officer Rem Saverem. She named one twin Vash and the other Kni. The twins matured quickly, growing to appear age seven or eight when they celebrated their first birthday. By that stage, Kni had begun to demonstrate the generative abilities of a Plant and to distance himself from human traits like eating for nourishment, Our Home. while Vash remained apparently powerless, but eagerly embraced humanity. NOMAN'S LAND

Though demonstrably inhuman and highly intelligent, Kni seemed in other respects a normal child, albeit serious and somewhat emotionally withdrawn. He enjoyed composing and playing classical piano with Vash, Millions Knives (episode) loved cowboy movies, HIGH NOON AT JULY (episode) and colluded with his brother to play pranks on Rem. Our Home. He adored his brother, who was always at his side, and cared for Rem, but resented her efforts to have him appear human by concealing his powers and eating food he didn't need (which he viewed as wasteful). Our Home. In time resentment turned to suspicion, particularly as Vash seemed to grow more humanlike under Rem's encouragement, bringing him closer to Rem but alienating Kni, which he expressed by needling Vash for being useless as a Plant.To A New World Kni began to investigate areas of the ship Rem had forbidden them from entering, pulling Vash along despite his trepidation, and the twins stumbled across a classified databank of the SEEDs fleet's history. Vash gleefully entered the password himself when Kni was stymied, but both were horrified by the databank's contents.To A New World

Along with files on both twins there was a third - another Independent Plant born fifty years before, a girl named Tesla. She was discovered by the crew and treated like a research specimen, subjected to brutal and invasive examination until her body fell apart. Worse yet, though vivisected and dismembered she was still alive fifty years later in suspended animation, as the twins discovered when the tanks containing her remains were unlocked and revealed.To A New World

Rem tried to soothe their fears by explaining that she had adopted them to ensure they wouldn't meet Tesla's fate, hoping that they would become the means by which Plants and humans could communicate and together ensure nothing like that ever happened again. Kni, however, no longer trusted her ability to keep them safe, concluding that humanity was incapable of changing for the better, whatever their intentions. When the twins discussed between themselves whether they would be accepted by humans, Vash told Kni he had faith that they would. It was then that Kni decided his course was set: Vash was naïve, weak and needed protection from humanity's exploitation.To A New World Kni secretly accessed the SEEDs fleet's navigation with the password Vash had shown him and forced every ship in the fleet to crash on the desert planet that would be named No Man's Land, sparing only the Plant carriers, believing this would wipe out all threats. Millions Knives (episode) Rem took the twins to an escape pod, but despite Kni's solemn request she come with them, she chose to stay aboard the ships to save whoever she could. NOMAN'S LAND After planetfall, Vash found Kni laughing gleefully over the wreckage of the fleet and confronted Kni over the mass murder he'd just committed, but Kni countered by calling Vash his accomplice for giving him the code to access the fleet's controls. Guilt-stricken and fearful, Vash fled and vanished into the alien desert.Our Home.

Kni located a surviving SEEDS crew member, one Dr. William Conrad, and under threat of death recruited him to research Plants and acquire the resources necessary to complete his plan and retrieve Vash. Humanity Renaming himself Millions Knives to represent his belief that he was a righteous and noble avenger for his species, Knives founded the cult called the Eye of Michael in the third city of July, providing himself with loyal troops and headquarters, and appointed Dr. Conrad as his high priest. He also continued to develop his powers as a Plant, refining his abilities from producing rough metal blades from his hands and feet Millions Knives (episode) to the capacity to destroy whole settlements and kill dozens of people in the blink of an eye. Bright Light, Shine through the Darkness HIGH NOON AT JULY (episode)

Since the day the ships crashed, Knives has been plotting to complete the extermination of humanity and bring Vash back to his side - a desire only intensified when Vash demonstrated he did indeed have abilities as a Plant, both to produce and, uniquely, to consume, drawing matter to the plane that Plants draw matter from. HUNGRY! Millions Knives (episode) Every time Knives and Vash meet, they find themselves arguing over or battling to determine which of their philosophies is the right one. Bright Light, Shine through the Darkness Millions Knives (episode) To A New World HIGH NOON AT JULY (episode)

As of the first episode of Stampede, Knives has been stealing Plants from human settlements and slaughtering their inhabitants, dooming survivors to death by starvation or dehydration. NOMAN'S LAND He exploits his resemblance to Vash to frame his brother for these crimes, marking him as a dangerous criminal in the hopes that Vash will realise humanity can never accept him, driving him back to Knives as his only refuge. The Running Man

The primary plot of Trigun Stampede is driven both by Knives's efforts to convince, then force Vash to assist in his plans, and by his desire to claim and control Vash's power so he can use it to make No Man's Land a paradise, with Independent Plants its sole inhabitants.



Knives is almost identical to Vash, differing only in minor traits. Knives has paler skin and platinum blond hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. Where Vash has a mole beneath his left eye, Knives's is under his right, and Knives's blue eyes bear a slight green tint. They have the same facial features, the same undercut hair and the same athletic build. Both twins are rendered with the same delicate, expressive face and well-proportioned, muscular body.

In every other respect, however, the twins could not be more different. Knives rejects all human accoutrements in favor of clothing he created himself, which he seems to have designed to bring his appearance closer to that of the dependent Plants: a skin-tight white body suit covered in Plant patterns (resembling an unfurled dependent Plant) and a loose gray cloak, roughly knee-length, with bubbles of white material and a deep, round hood (resembling a dependent when in bulb form). The suit is bulletproof, and the cloak serves as a spare source of matter for Knives's blades. He wears no other clothing and is always barefoot, indifferent to environmental hazards. He has no visible markings, scars or injuries besides the mole beneath his eye.

Knives keeps his hair short, in neat spikes slicked back from his forehead.

His blades have a distinctive curved, feathered shape and usually emerge from his back and shoulders in the form of three or four prehensile chains. When desired, he can fold the blades inward and use the chains to pick up or grapple a target, or flare them outward into razor-sharp piercing and cutting weapons. Both blades and chains seems to act as extensions of his body, instantly responding to his will.


Knives presents a face of calm, cold superiority, and has a flair for grandiose acts of wide-scale destruction. His proclamations frequently allude to the Christian Bible, particularly the New Testament Book of Revelation, to present himself as an angel bringing God's wrath upon a sinful humankind. He relishes violence and views Vash's pacifism and love of humanity as an illness that must be cured by whatever means necessary. In Knives's mind, Vash is a victim of his own weakness and the manipulations of Rem and the humans he's befriended, unable to be trusted to make his own decisions. Everything he's done, Knives claims, he has done to protect Vash from them, with the freedom of the dependent Plants from humanity's chains as a secondary but no less pressing priority. As a superior lifeform and the perfect Independent Plant, it's up to Knives to destroy the disgusting parasites infesting the universe and to ensure all inferior examples of his species reflect the same perfection that he himself embodies.

However, Knives's icy pragmatism and lofty, judgemental attitude conceal selfishness, erratic outbursts of emotion, unwillingness to take responsibility for the harm he inflicts upon his loved ones, and a rigidly black-and-white view of the world that permits no nuance or dissent. Knives is fundamentally driven by fear, not only of what humanity could do to him or to Vash, but that Vash will abandon him in favor of humans and leave Knives alone. Since any human could potentially be a threat, all humanity must therefore suffer and die. He cannot, or will not, understand alternative viewpoints and has developed a habit of trying to isolate Vash by driving off or killing anyone who gets close to him, of gaslighting Vash to undermine his self-worth, and of lashing out with physical violence should those manipulations fail. Though his anger with humanity's reckless and unsustainable destruction of the beings they need to survive - his own species - is justified, he has no issue adopting the same tactics himself with Vash or the Plants under his control. Knives takes their consent for granted, dismisses any resistance as foolishness, and is willing to strip Vash of his personhood and autonomy, as well as exploit the dependents for his own ends. When his plans are thwarted, Knives descends into incoherently shrieking, indiscriminately destructive fury, tearing apart whatever stands in his way or even himself.

At heart, Knives is a frightened, angry and deeply traumatised individual, as well a perfectionist unable to cope when reality deviates from expectations formed without experience. He is sadistic, manipulative, controlling, and possessive, as well as prone to pushing blame onto those he harms for not submitting to his wishes. Despite his conviction and insistence that he's building a paradise for all the Plants, Knives's true goal is gaining Vash's utter devotion and a return to the carefree days of his childhood.


Knives serves as the central figure of worship for the Eye of Michael but rarely bothers with its affairs, preferring to play his piano and reminiscence, or discuss his plans with Dr. Conrad. He seems to leave his music room only to terrorise and murder humans or steal Plants.



His twin brother, from whom he is estranged. Knives has an obsession with Vash that shades into monomaniacal, but seems to love the idea of Vash as his brother more than the person that Vash has become. He has spent much of their time apart searching the planet for his brother, both to locate/retrieve him and sabotage Vash's efforts to co-exist with humanity. While Knives does make an effort to speak to Vash gently and calmly when they meet, he snaps into explosive rage or resorts to scornful emotional manipulation whenever Vash disagrees with him. Their relationship is also strained by Vash's undisguised terror of his brother. Tragically, despite all this Vash continues to love Knives, but has come to realise that they have both changed too much to return to the way they were.

Rem Saverem

His adoptive mother, whom he murdered. Knives once loved Rem but now bitterly despises her and anyone he perceives as being like her i.e. dark-haired woman who become emotionally close to Vash. Meryl, Luida, and Rosa (and the mothers of Jeneora Rock) thus all become targets of his murderous hatred and disgust.

Dr. William Conrad

Dr. Conrad serves as an adoptive father to Knives, albeit one over whom Knives asserts total control. Knives treats Conrad with politeness, even affection, always addressing him as "doctor" and never losing his temper. Conrad is protective of Knives and views him with awe as the perfect example of his species, almost a divine figure. However, Conrad has only lived this long in order to assist Knives with his plans and implies he would prefer death, which he is denied as long as Knives is dissatisfied.


The dependent Plants could be considered siblings or mothers, while Tesla is technically his older sister. Knives is protective of the dependent Plants and refers to them as his brethren, but treats them more as objects than people and is not depicted communicating with them in the way Vash does. He implicitly believes them to be soulless and without free will. Though he never knew Tesla, the sight of her affected him greatly when she was discovered aboard Ship Five, leaving an impression on his psyche that has yet to fade.


Elendira is Knives's partial clone, in a sense his daughter. His feelings about her are unknown; Elendira spends the majority of her time accompanying Dr. Conrad. She is, however, very loyal to Knives.


All humans with the sole exception of Dr. Conrad are insects to be exterminated if he can't ignore them. Though Knives has yet to be depicted speaking to any other members of the Eye of Michael, E.G. regarded him with awe, Legato with devotion and Zazie with wary familiarity, but if Knives cares what they think he does not show it. He knows enough about Rollo, Tonis and Wolfwood to adopt their images manipulating Vash, and about Roberto and Meryl to target and wipe them from Vash's mind. Luida he chose as the first human Vash would kill; when Vash refused, Knives attempted to strangle her to death with his bare hands, accusing her of stealing his brother. Meryl, he regarded as beneath notice until she freed Vash from Knives's control, at which point Knives was only barely prevented killing her. The latter two women attract the same intense, personal hatred as Rem, likely for the same reason: as alternative sources of emotional support for Vash, they threaten Knives's efforts to isolate him.

Weapons & Abilities


Knives's body contains and is supported by a Gate, a vaguely defined organ or object acting as a one-way connection to a limitless source of energy and matter known as the "higher plane". It is versatile, granting him a number of superhuman abilities. All Plants have a Gate of some description, but dependents lack the volition to use it themselves; as an Independent, Knives can use his Gate at will, and telekinetically control the matter he produces with no more than a thought. His Gate constantly renews and revitalises his body, granting him inhuman fortitude, strength, dexterity and speed, as well as keeping him physically in the prime of health and youth.[6] With all his needs supplied by his Gate, Knives does not require any form of sustenance or rest, or even seem to need to breathe, and is well into his second century of age while keeping the appearance of an athletic young adult.

Knives uses his Gate mostly to produce his clothing and weapons in the form of metal blades, chaining them into "tentacles" to grab and slice up individual targets, or forming deadly storms of blades to cause mass devastation. He can also create claws from his hands and feet, but rarely does so in combat, preferring them for basic utility or symbolism. His blades can cut through steel and bone without losing their edge, as well as deflect bullets.

Knives has more esoteric abilities mostly based around seizing control of Vash's own Gate and forcing it to react, allowing him to manipulate Vash's perception of reality or even alter his memories, leaving a dark residue that grows outward from the point of contact. He only needs to be close enough to physically touch Vash or something he's holding, whether with hands or blades.

It can be assumed that if ever cut off from his Gate, Knives would lose access to his powers, weaken and die the same way other members of his species do when pushed beyond their limits. As it is, Knives is almost impossible to harm with conventional weapons, requiring a sustained burst of immense destructive power to outpace his Gate-induced resilience and regeneration.



Trigun Stampede

