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This article is about the human species. For the similarly-named Trigun Stampede episode, see Humanity.

Humans are a species that exist in the Trigun universe.



The humans on the planet originally came from the planet Earth.

Unusual biology

A notable percentage of the human population living on the planet exhibit abnormal traits, such as unusual physical appearances, modifications to their bodies, and abilities. The reasons and causes for many of these abnormalities among the human population often go unexplained.


Some humans, such as Descartes, Gomez, Gofsef and Patricia Nebraska are uncommonly tall, with the Nebraskas being so large that they tower over buildings.


The Ninelives and Yingwei appear to be humans with Dwarfism.

Unusual proportions

Some humans, like Descartes, Mohican, and Hancock have very short legs in proportion to the rest of their unusually-shaped round and wide bodies. Mohican and Hancock in particular both have very large, round heads with small faces and almost non-existent noses.

Other mutations

Hoppered the Gauntlet exhibits mutations to the shape of his body that makes him physically incapable of standing upright and walking.

Modifications and cybernetics

Some humans have modifications to their bodies, ranging from fairly small additions, such as the plates on Caine's face, to extreme body modifications, such as Professor Nebraska's extendable arms and lower body being replaced by a large gun.


There exist mostly-robotic cyborgs, like Burns the Axe, who is only physically human in his "unit": a capsule containing his head and vital organs.

Rapid aging

The regenerative serum used by the Eye of Michael for accelerated healing also causes human bodies to rapidly age.

Supernatural abilities

A select few humans possess seemingly-inhuman abilities. For example, Legato Bluesummers possesses the ability to speak telepathically and manipulate the bodies of others, and Leonof the Puppetmaster can both control and speak through many puppets simultaneously from great distances.

