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Japanese Title
English Title
Artist Tsuneo Imahori
Run Time 3:09
Album Trigun The First Donuts

Trigun: Spicy Stewed Donut

Series Trigun (1998 anime)

NO-BEAT is a song from the 1998 Trigun anime's soundtrack, notable for its use in the show's eyecatch and for many of the the episode title cards.


Composed, arranged, and performed by Tsuneo Imahori.[1]



NO-BEAT is a variation of H.T, the series' theme song. The recurring guitar riffs in this song is the melody from the end of H.T played in reverse.

Title Card

A very brief snippet of the song featuring only the guitar part is played over the title card in 16 of the 26 total episodes. It is the final notes of H.T played in reverse.


An isolated guitar riff similar to what can be heard multiple times in this song, which itself is a reversed snippet of H.T's melody, is played during the second half of the show's eyecatch, while the first half uses the original, non-reversed version of the riff from H.T.


  • The recurring guitar riff in this song, as well as in the eyecatch and final note of the title card version, is the melody from the end of H.T played in reverse.
  • Half of the title card variation of the song is used in episode 4 is played at the very end of the episode, not during its title card.



Title Card


  • All 26 episodes


